The Healing Touch of God

The aim of the book: ‘To show that Healing should be as much a part of every congregation’s life as any other form of prayer, which is the essential tool of healing ministry.’

The content of the book shows the broad line of the healing ministry throughout the centuries. It is ‘a hands on approach to Christian Healing from a Methodist perspective’

The book is an easy read, for although it contains good academic scholarship, it is earthed in the real experience of both Peter and his wife Rita and together with personal healing experiences of people recorded at the end of each chapter.

‘Health is about the totality of our being, that entire complexity of life’s happenings that impinge upon us daily and affect us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually… What the Church offers through the healing ministry is not in competition with the NHS or modern medical practice but complements all those God-given advances in medicine and technology that also enable us to live healthier and fuller lives to the glory of God’

I have been in the healing ministry for over twenty years, and I can say that I wish someone had placed this book in my hands at the beginning, because so many of my questions would have been answered, and at times mistakes avoided. The book covers the place of faith and forgiveness, sin and suffering, the work of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, the fact that not all are healed and possible reasons. The healing ministry is part of the whole proclamation of the Gospel. Of particular interest to me is the way in which, over the centuries, as people’s view of the nature of God and the primary ways by which He is known changes, so the place of Christian healing is affected. For example, for Thomas Aquinas God was known through intellectual activity rather than experience. This approach provided little opportunity for the gifts of the Spirit to be exercised. However, in times of a revival of religion experience predominates; this is seen in great movements of the Spirit at the beginning of the twentieth Century.

How a healing ministry is established in the local church is dealt with realistically and, sensitive to the structures and discipline of a church, is a way that will achieve the maximum support for this essential part of the ministry of the whole church.

I warmly recommend the book to those who want to understand, start or continue this important ministry. I write this as the Minister who, at Methodist Central Hall Westminster, set up and has led the healing ministry, speaking through the UK and abroad.